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Beyond The Military Podcast

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In today’s episode, I discuss how we can begin thinking about taking care of our mental health and 3 ways you can begin to invest in your mental health. Next Steps: Schedule Consult Call: Check out military mental health resources: Military and Family Life Counseling Military OneSource Operation We Are Here Veterans Crisis Line Listen […]

Episode 164. 3 ways military women can invest in their mental health

woman therapist counselor or coach talking in front of military woman

Emotional Health

Do you sometimes wonder why you are feeling dread towards certain events or future tasks? In today’s episode, I go over why you are feeling dread and what to do when it comes up.   Full Transcript [00:00:00] Wendi: hello ladies. And welcome to episode 159. [00:01:00] I hope that you’re doing well. There’s a […]

Episode 159: Feeling dread and what to do with it?

Emotional Health

Hey lady,  Let’s take a moment to celebrate ourselves and this podcast! It’s our 150th podcast episode and we’ve hit over 10K downloads (Yay)! Thank you so much for your continued support and can’t wait to meet our 25K download 🙂 In today’s episode, we discuss the perfectionist and overthinking mentality that may be keeping […]

Episode 150: Two ways women make achieving goals harder for themselves… keeping us in a cycle of procrastination

Emotional Health

Hey lady,  I don’t know about you, but I like to be and feel in control. And if I’m being completely honest, it makes me feel somewhat at ease. But we both know we can’t control situations or other humans.  We just tend to think we can, so we try to do it A LOT […]

Episode 142: MVP: Tired of trying to control everyone else? Instead learn how to focus on what you can control!

Emotional Health