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Feeling overwhelmed and mentally chaotic? You’re not alone. We have the perfect solution to help you navigate through it all. We’re exploring how your mind works, specifically the roles of our primitive brain and prefrontal cortex, and how they affect how we handle challenges. Remember, everyone faces difficulties in life, and the key to overcoming […]

178. Navigating mental chaos and how to face it

Emotional Health

In today’s episode, I offer you a question you can ask yourself to help you face mental health one day at a time. We are all on a different journey with our mental health and it’s okay to be right where you are. Today my hope is for you to begin asking yourself this one […]

Episode 167. Facing mental health one day at a time by asking yourself this question…

woman in orange dress in front of window looking out

Emotional Health

Military women learning how to slow down. This can be hard for many of us because we are constantly ready to just go at it. Today I want to offer you to slow down and even tell people “No” if it interferes with your priorities. Full Transcript Full Transcript [00:00:00] Wendi: hello ladies. And welcome […]

Episode 163. Learning to slow down and saying “No” to other people’s priorities

woman in front of computer hands on face stressed

Emotional Health

Hey lady,  “Knowing that my circumstance is not my source, but still being in my flesh to understand, I can’t see where God is gonna take me, is still a scary thing when you have other people depending on you.”-Sandra   Today, I introduce you to Sandra Hardy, Army Veteran and Business Coach.  She shares with us the struggles […]

Episode 154: Honoring Black Military Women Coaches: Emotional Intelligence with Sandra Hardy

Emotional Health