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Beyond The Military Podcast

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Hey lady, I know that you have many obligations as a leader, wife, and possibly even as a mama but I’m here to tell you that burnout is NOT caused by the hours or how hard you work.  Burnout is caused by your attitude behind what you are doing or not doing.  Remember, being busy […]

Episode 140: 3 Reasons Military Women Struggle with “Burnout”


Hey lady,  Are you allowing self-doubt (a negative feeling) to slow you down or better yet, possibly holding you hostage? I know I have! But here’s the good news. I believe that when we decide to grow and evolve we are always going to have self-doubt as a companion. It’s part of the process. Many […]

Episode 137: MVP: Self-doubt slowing you down? 5 things to do when you’re in self-doubt


Hey lady,  In today’s episode, I give you the reason why we tend to focus so much on doing things “right.   I pray this episode blesses you! Much love,  Wendi Full Transcript [00:00:56] Wendi: Hello ladies. And welcome to episode 134. [00:01:00] I hope that you’re doing well, hope that you’re. Well, I am […]

Episode 134: Two tools to begin with to help you stay on track of all the things!


Hey lady,  In today’s episode, I share how you can take consistent action after making a post-military career plan.   I pray this episode blesses you! Much love,  Wendi Full Transcript [00:00:56] Wendi: Hello ladies. And welcome to episode [00:01:00] 130 happy Monday. I hope that you were doing well. I hope that you are […]

Episode 130: Focusing on taking consistent action after making a plan
