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Beyond The Military Podcast

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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves submerged in an endless list of chores and responsibilities that can seem monotonous and draining. However, what if we could transform these routine tasks into acts of love and sources of joy? In our latest podcast episode, we discuss how adopting a […]

Episode 206. Showing up with LOVE and building habits that last

Emotional Health

In a world where achievement often overshadows the importance of personal connections, finding the equilibrium between ambition and relationships is crucial. This particularly resonates with military women and business leaders who are frequently caught in the crossfire of managing demanding careers and maintaining strong personal ties. In today’s episode we get into this intricate balance, […]

Episode 203. Military women balancing goals and relationships

woman in orange dress standing up with srms crossed

Family Life

As we ring in a new year and celebrate our 200th episode, I’m thrilled to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you who’ve joined me on this journey—whether you’ve been here since the beginning or you’re just tuning in. This episode is a treasure trove of insights on embracing the new year with […]

Episode 200. 4 Goal Setting Mistakes to Avoid in 2024


Ever felt the dense weight of your to-do list, and the gnawing guilt of not giving enough time to your family? Don’t worry, you are not alone! We’re here to guide you through this thorny path of managing life’s priorities and trust us, it’s easier than it looks. Embark with us on this insightful journey […]

Episode 197. Mom guilt? 3 tips to help you to take a break and focus on family

Family Life