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Beyond The Military Podcast

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You ever meet someone, and their story just inspires you to push past your doubts and go for it? That’s the energy that Summer and Eren bring to our conversation today. Summer, a Captain in the US Army Reserve, singer, writer, model and a financial planner, teams up with Eren, co-founder of The Middle LA, […]

Episode 211. MVP: The Journey of Service Women’s Advancement Network Gala with Summer Marie and Eren Holden

Summer Marie on left and Eren Holden on the right


As we ring in a new year and celebrate our 200th episode, I’m thrilled to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you who’ve joined me on this journey—whether you’ve been here since the beginning or you’re just tuning in. This episode is a treasure trove of insights on embracing the new year with […]

Episode 200. 4 Goal Setting Mistakes to Avoid in 2024


Overwhelmed?You’re not alone, as we are in full mode with the holiday season! Recently, I spent the holiday weekend feeling sick, but it wasn’t a total loss. I had the time to explore my new camera and got inspired to start recording future podcast episodes on video. That exploration made me question: can we still […]

Episode 195. Overwhelmed during the holiday season? How to get things done when you are feeling overwhelmed during the holidays!


You ever meet someone, and their story just inspires you to push past your doubts and go for it? That’s the energy that Summer and Eren bring to our conversation today. Summer, a Captain in the US Army Reserve, singer, writer, model and a financial planner, teams up with Eren, co-founder of The Middle LA, […]

Episode 191. The Journey of Service Women’s Advancement Network Gala with Summer Marie and Eren Holden
