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Beyond The Military Podcast

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Today’s episode, I go into the concept of time blocks and calendar techniques, which serve as tools to prioritize tasks that truly matter. By assigning specific time blocks to tasks, such as recording this podcast episode during my toddler’s nap time or planning activities around work schedules, you can create a structured day that maximizes […]

MVP: Episode 242. 3 tips on how to maximize your time

woman looking back in green dress


Today’s episode, dives into the concept of time blocks and calendar techniques, which serve as tools to prioritize tasks that truly matter. By assigning specific time blocks to tasks, such as recording this podcast episode during my toddler’s nap time or planning activities around work schedules, you can create a structured day that maximizes productivity […]

Episode 201. 3 tips on how to maximize your time

woman looking back in green dress


Has your confidence taken a major hit due to past experiences, perfectionism mentality, or self-centeredness? Let’s navigate this journey together! Our latest conversation unpacks these confidence obstacles and explores practical strategies to overcome them. We put a special emphasis on building resilience and fostering self-belief. You’ll grasp the importance of letting go of past failures […]

Episode 196. Struggle with confidence in your life and career? Learn 3 reasons you struggle with confidence


Happy Veteran’s Day and hope you are taking time reflect on the significance of the service to our nation. Today, I share the joy of sitting with two phenomenal military women, Rosa Maria and Michelle Poe, and listen to their empowering stories. Rosa, with her radical, transformative actions, and Michelle, with her multi-role balancing act, shared […]

Episode 192. Veteran’s Day Special: Empowerment & Resilience with Army Veterans Rosa Maria and Michelle Poe
