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Has your confidence taken a major hit due to past experiences, perfectionism mentality, or self-centeredness? Let’s navigate this journey together! Our latest conversation unpacks these confidence obstacles and explores practical strategies to overcome them. We put a special emphasis on building resilience and fostering self-belief. You’ll grasp the importance of letting go of past failures […]

Episode 196. Struggle with confidence in your life and career? Learn 3 reasons you struggle with confidence


Hey there, sis! Are you tired of the guilt, shame, and disappointment that often stems from self-judgment? We promise you’re not alone. In today’s  episode of , we talk judgment – its roots, its impacts, and how we can manage it in our daily lives. We all judge, and that’s okay! It’s part of being […]

Episode 193. MVP: Judgmental thoughts about our actions

Emotional Health

Ever feel like the pursuit of perfectionism and overthinking are your biggest enemies? Trust me, you’re not alone. The ‘all or nothing’ mindset can be a real progress killer, leading to self-doubt and discouragement. I’ll share my personal experiences and strategies to escape this vicious cycle of procrastination and stagnation.  Today, we’re focusing on the […]

Episode 190. MVP: Two ways women make achieving goals harder and battle with procrastination


Have you ever found yourself trapped in the “I don’t know” mindset? Let me share a story with you about a client, who was so unsure of her future that her automatic response was “I don’t know”. This phrase can become a dangerous pattern, preventing us from exploring potential avenues, making decisions, and overcoming our […]

Episode 187. MVP: Indulging in “IDK”? 3 ways to know if you are…

Emotional Health