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Beyond The Military Podcast

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Today’s episode, it’s all about allowing your loved ones to allow their emotions. Yes, even the negative ones! It’s so important to understand that even our family or close loved ones will have to experience emotional pain. As women that are wired to not talk or share emotions and or are naturally nurturers we sometimes […]

Episode 166. Allowing emotional space in your relationships

woman with question marks in background

Family Life

Military women learning how to slow down. This can be hard for many of us because we are constantly ready to just go at it. Today I want to offer you to slow down and even tell people “No” if it interferes with your priorities. Full Transcript Full Transcript [00:00:00] Wendi: hello ladies. And welcome […]

Episode 163. Learning to slow down and saying “No” to other people’s priorities

woman in front of computer hands on face stressed

Emotional Health

There is always something that we need to get done and want to get done. We typically end up only taking care of the one we “need” to get done because there is just so much to do in a period of time. So we end up leaving or procrastinating on our wants and desires […]

Episode 85. 5 Steps to Minimize The Mental And Emotional Load

Emotional Health