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Beyond The Military Podcast

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Do you give yourself enough grace in the pursuit of your goals? That’s what we are exploring in today’s episode, offering a fresh perspective on meeting ourselves exactly where we are. Are you ready to find grace and make progress in your goals as the year ends? Let’s dive into how our emotions, values, and […]

Episode 186. Goals, Grace, & Growth: Meet yourself where you are in the becoming phase

Emotional Health

Ever find yourself caught in the relentless cycle of accomplishing tasks, yet feeling as if it’s never enough? It’s an all-too-common struggle, especially as we juggle multiple roles. Let’s discover how to navigate distractions, manage fatigue, and break free from the loop of endless doing without achieving the intended results. What’s more terrifying than the […]

Episode 183. MVP: The reason you are “unproductive”


Prepare yourself for an awe-inspiring journey with Annette Wittenberger, a woman of great strength and resilience. Annette, a retired military veteran of over 17 years, soon-to-be grandmother, and empowering podcast host, opens up about her mental health struggles just on the brink of her retirement. Annette’s transition from military life to civilian was a daunting […]

Episode 180: Never too late to chase your dreams with Annette Whittenberger


Life is a series of choices, and the power within these choices is what I’ll be discussing on today’s episode. From my personal experiences in the military, I’ve discovered that no matter the ordeals we face, we can always choose our responses, attitudes, and the paths we want to take. We often get so caught […]

Episode 177. The Power to Choose: Personal, Professional, and Probiotic Kombucha
