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Beyond The Military Podcast

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As a woman transitioning out of the military and considering your next career move, it’s common to feel a mix of excitement and uncertainty about the future. In today’s episode, we focus is on empowering military women during their transition into civilian life.  Transitioning from the military to the civilian sector is a significant step filled […]

Episode 215. Empowering Your Military Transition: Confidence Building for Military Women


You ever meet someone, and their story just inspires you to push past your doubts and go for it? That’s the energy that Summer and Eren bring to our conversation today. Summer, a Captain in the US Army Reserve, singer, writer, model and a financial planner, teams up with Eren, co-founder of The Middle LA, […]

Episode 211. MVP: The Journey of Service Women’s Advancement Network Gala with Summer Marie and Eren Holden

Summer Marie on left and Eren Holden on the right


Are you feeling stuck in your career? Do you find yourself going through the motions, lacking direction and passion? You’re not alone. Many military and veteran women experience this feeling at some point in their professional journey.  In this episode, we discuss tangible strategies for addressing stagnation in your career, military transition, or in life […]

Episode 208. The 3 Reasons You’re Stuck in Your Career

woman dressed in pink behind a mic. Episode 208. The 3 Reasons You're Stuck in Your Career


This isn’t just about getting things done—it’s about a life-altering strategy that’s helping military women, veterans, and those transitioning into civilian life reclaim their time back with unshakeable focus. In today’s episode we get into the art of dedicating specific time slots to tasks, crafting a routine that’s as efficient as it is rewarding. I’ll […]

Episode 205. What is the best productivity hack for busy military women AND the tool that keeps it simple!

woman with short hair and leopard shirt looking at phone
