In today’s episode, I offer you a question you can ask yourself to help you face mental health one day at a time. We are all on a different journey with our mental health and it’s okay to be right where you are. Today my hope is for you to begin asking yourself this one question: “How can I accept this (insert mental struggle: anxiety, stressed, etc.) today?” and begin improving your mental health and overall well-being.
Next Steps:
Check out military mental health resources:
Listen to Related Episodes:
Episode 146: MVP: 3 simple steps to set priorities as an overwhelmed military mama!
Episode: 135: Being okay with NOT feeling okay! Embracing negative and positive emotions
Episode: 96: The two types of insecurities that impact mental health?
Episode: 95: How to balance negative and positive emotions
Episode 94: 3 most common indulgent emotions distracting you from making progress
Episode 93: The question to ask yourself to help you face mental health one day at a time
Episode 92: Why is Mental Health Awareness so important within the military community?
Episode 16: Investing in your mental health through therapy or coach

[00:00:55] Wendi: Hello ladies. And welcome to episode 167. [00:01:00] So today’s episode is going to be a little different because what I wanted to share today was one of the most popular episodes that was released last year during our mental health. Um, series for the month of may, of last year. And I just wanted to share this with you all, because one, I had to go back to this episode. I want to say a couple months back now I was going to say weeks, but it’s definitely been over two months now.
[00:01:26] Wendi: by the way, I cannot believe we’re like almost in June. And so I went back to this episode because I had to really sit down and pretty much go over this question that is shared in. Really is episode 93. So you can go back to episode 93 as well, but I wanted to share it here because. In a whole different way.
[00:01:49] Wendi: To get a new, fresh outlook on where you are now, because that’s kind of like what I did with. Um, where I was. Uh, emotionally last year and where I am today. [00:02:00] And really loved the last two months when, um, I went back a little over two months when I went back and listened to this episode, because like I said before, I not only use these tools, but I also.
[00:02:11] Wendi: Like to go back and challenge and get feedback on my own. Um, content that I put out because it’s so important that I ensure that not only I stay current, but also that I share anything additional that has helped me to maybe, you know, in hopes also that it does help you. And so. What I was realizing when I was asking myself this question.
[00:02:35] Wendi: Uh, about, um, you know, how to really face my mental health. And here’s the thing. I, this is what I want to emphasize and I should probably start here. I want to emphasize that everyone has some sort of, um, I don’t even want to say negative, but. A a situation where you need to improve your mental health. [00:03:00] Right. It’s kind of like our, our health overall health.
[00:03:03] Wendi: There is something that we need to cut back on. There’s something that we need to do to help our bodies, right? Like our overall health. And so it’s the same thing with our mind. I think that we don’t include our brain, our cognitive in our, our emotional health with our overwhelm. I mean, over all wellbeing.
[00:03:22] Wendi: And so what I want to offer to you today is that it’s okay. If you have anxiety, it’s okay. If you’re stressed, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, It’s okay. That you may be diagnosed. With me, we now. A, um, maybe a severe anxiety, right? Like I don’t know what your situation is, but what I want to offer you today is that it’s completely fine, that you would want to improve on your mental health.
[00:03:53] Wendi: And that doesn’t mean that there has to be something wrong with your mental health, right? It’s like people go to the gym and workout, not [00:04:00] because they have something wrong with their body or they don’t love their body. I think it’s the opposite. I think that they appreciate and care for their body.
[00:04:06] Wendi: And that is a reason why they go and they take care of themselves or continue to take care of that specific area in. Of their body in their life. Right. And so I think that we sometimes do the opposite when we want. Too. We do the opposite. When we think that the outcome. Needs to be, um, a different outcome. So for example,
[00:04:31] Wendi: Um, I want to reduce my stress levels or I want to feel less overwhelmed. We think that we need to do something outside of us to improve that, to. Minimize the stress or two. Completely. Get rid of anxiety. And what I want to offer you today is that that is not true. What you want to do is to face your one that you have a mental health. Well, being.
[00:04:59] Wendi: [00:05:00] Responsibility that you have to do, right. It’s kind of like feeding yourself. Like you are either going to, you know, pick that healthy item or you’re going to pick the unhealthy item. You have responsibility to decide which one you’re going to choose. And it’s the same way with your mental health. You have responsibility to say, okay.
[00:05:18] Wendi: Is this something that I need to work on and get better at. To I want to fill this stress all the time. If the answer is no, then you want to continue to put some work into how you’re going to improve. Right. But I also want you to. Um, Not only feeling courage before determined. That this is just one little thing that you have to deal with every single day. It’s I don’t want you to make it a huge thing, right? Like me going through where I’m going through right now, I actually don’t even know what to name it. If I’m being completely honest. I don’t know if it’s, I’m still grieving.
[00:05:56] Wendi: If it’s a postpartum, if it’s me just beginning this [00:06:00] new identity, you know, Like, where am I? Right. Like, that’s one of the questions that I also ask myself every day. Like, where am I in this? Um, on this journey, right? Like, how am I feeling today? What does it look like for me right now? Like what could I be.
[00:06:15] Wendi: Doing to help me figure that out. And so for me, it’s all these questions that I ask myself and I answered them, not just asking the questions and leave it, leaving it there. And that’s what I wanna offer you today. Take a moment to ask yourself this question that I. Um, ask in this episode again, it’s episode 93.
[00:06:33] Wendi: Um, but I want you to, um, you know, take a moment and really ask yourself this question. And also being okay with whatever mental health situation you’re in. You may have PTSD. You may, um, be stressed out. You may have anxiety. Okay. So what now? How are you going to use this [00:07:00] mental health diagnosis or where you are in your mental health to keep moving forward?
[00:07:06] Wendi: ’cause for me. What I’m doing now is. Really trying to understand how I’m going to use this. Not only to help me, but to help my family, to help my kids in the future, because unfortunately, One way or another in one situation, you know, now or later, Someone’s going to have to go through a grieving process. It could be a relationship. It could be, you know, death in the family.
[00:07:32] Wendi: It could be just a simple transition rate, career transition. We grieve the process. And so. You know, that’s what I want to offer you today. You know, too. One ticket a day at a time. And to, to. To really be honest with yourself and. Really be willing to face where you are your mental health journey, because everyone is going to be on a different journey. Everyone we’re all in different [00:08:00] journeys. It’s kind of like again, using the gym as an example.
[00:08:03] Wendi: We’re all on a different journey with where we are with, um, weights, with, you know, the way we are toning our body or whatever it may be for you, or maybe how many models are running. Right. We’re all on a different journey. And it could be the same thing with your transition, right? Maybe you’re not even thinking about the transition you’re on a whole nother journey than someone that’s literally.
[00:08:24] Wendi: Excuse me getting out. Within the next month. So ask yourself. You know, Where are you in this journey? And. Just accepting that this is your mental health journey and that you can only get better from here. Once you fix it once you acknowledge it. And once you accept it, all right. I really hope that you enjoyed this episode in that you get so much out of it. If you get anything out of this episode, if you are like, okay, this was very beneficial or any of the previous episodes.
[00:08:55] Wendi: I want to invite you to please leave me a review. All you have to do is scroll [00:09:00] down on the podcast and leave a review there. It will not only be very beneficial. To my. Dopamine hit in my brain because it’s very exciting to see that someone is getting something out of my episodes. But also all benefit. Other military woman that are possibly looking to find some tools to help them with their mental health. So I want to ask that you not only liver.
[00:09:25] Wendi: Leave a review, but also to share it with someone that you know, that. It may be helpful for them as well. All right. Beautiful ladies. Have a great rest of your week. Talk to you soon. Bye.
[00:09:36] Wendi: Hello ladies. And welcome to episode 93. I am so happy to be back into my quote [00:10:00] unquote normal regular routine. Come back from spring break and there is a lot. That not only has to get done, but also. I had a good time. I had a good amount of rest. And for those of you that haven’t been tuning in, or maybe this is your first time stumbling into this episode, first, I want to welcome you.
[00:10:23] Wendi: Um, but also, you know, just to kinda give you an update here. So. Pregnancy is going well. Um, Filling a lot better, of course, but also so adjusting really adjusting my mind in my, um, body, because my mind is still in this, like, Belief that I can operate as my typical self, but I have to remind myself that there’s a baby that is growing.
[00:10:56] Wendi: Within my body and it’s affecting me in different [00:11:00] ways. Not only emotionally, but also, um, in, in different areas, like. Um, my energy, like I am just not really full of energy. Like I typically am. I want to sleep more. My appetite has obviously gone down. I can’t really find any taste. I hear it’s the hormones.
[00:11:23] Wendi: Um, and that it’s normal. And again, I don’t remember because it’s been like eight years. Um, Since I’ve been pregnant, my son is going to be eight this year. So. Again, just a little update on that, on how my life here is going. But yeah, I’m just excited to be here with you behind the mic and. Really just feeling blessed. You know, my family is doing well.
[00:11:44] Wendi: And everything else is going well. Um, there’s some things that I am behind on, um, more specifically this project that I’ve been working on, but you know, I have given myself grace and I’ve been. You know, just [00:12:00] really taking it a day at a time and really focusing on my priorities and what’s next. And really understanding that in order for me to show up as.
[00:12:12] Wendi: You know, this person that I want to keep showing up as, you know, as a coach. Um, at my nine to five, still do the things that need to get done, which by the way, the month of may is a huge month for us. And, um, You know, as a mom, as a wife and still be able to. Be okay with, um, you know, how my body’s responding to all of this. Right. All of the changes.
[00:12:37] Wendi: And not to mention, you know, all the activities that we still have planned for for the month, for this month. And so. Again, a lot going on, but giving him, giving myself grace and knowing that there are things that I am not going to prioritize. And there are things that I, that I am and that I want to keep focused on. So.
[00:12:57] Wendi: You know, with that, it really also [00:13:00] does. Um, bringing me into this episode on what I want to talk about today and continue to emphasize the importance of our mental health. And I think that sometimes we forget that. This whole mental health. Um, topic and. Um, you know, conversation that is out there is not necessarily, of course, not this month, but throughout, you know, the year throughout the time that.
[00:13:28] Wendi: You’re possibly even going through the most difficult challenges or obstacles. And really it’s just always important and we don’t emphasize this enough either in our military environment or even. In the corporate sector or even, you know, as individuals. As friends as. Um, uh, community. And, you know, I think we need to do this more. We have to, you know, continue to encourage others to focus on their mental health and how [00:14:00] we can get better. Right. I don’t think there’s ever going to be a time.
[00:14:04] Wendi: Where we’re all great to an, of nothing else is going on that is going to create this, um, or create less anxiety, create less stress or even so, um, just completely. Um, take from. What is happening in our minds, right. There’s always going to be something as you’ve heard me say this before. Life is going to be 50 50.
[00:14:28] Wendi: Because no matter what you’re going through, you may be going through the best moments of your life, or you may be going through the most. You know, suckiest moments, you know, you may be struggling. Um, with the relationship where we struggling. With your career with your finances, whatever it may look like, calm your faith.
[00:14:46] Wendi: You know that there is always going to be light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, that seemed like it, it may not feel like it, but. There’s always, you know, ups and downs. And when we can understand [00:15:00] that we also have the. Um, option and the choice of looking at the circumstances in a different way and making it mean different things versus just the things that we are used to making it mean, right. We’re used to in wired sometimes to think.
[00:15:16] Wendi: Um, Eight and eight. N a simple, typical way versus changing that narrative. Right? Changing that perspective. And so I think that when we’re able to do that, it’s so much better, but at the same time, not taking away from what’s happening, right. Because. If, you know, someone would pass away. And my family, of course, I’m going to be sad. Of course, I’m going to be.
[00:15:39] Wendi: Um, You know, very, um, what’s the word I’m looking for? Um, I’m going to be grieving. That does not, um, Mean that I have to immediately feel happy and feel better and, you know, act as if it’s all, you know, great because it’s not. And so what I want to offer today [00:16:00] is to really help, to. Face your mental health daily.
[00:16:05] Wendi: And by that it could be. You may be a typical person that ha doesn’t, you know, Um, struggle with stress or anxiety or panic attacks or bipolar or someone who doesn’t struggle with depression. Someone that doesn’t struggle with PTSD. You may just not be there. But there may be other people around you that do, you may have a family member. You may have someone that you love. That’s struggling through that.
[00:16:33] Wendi: You may just, you know, feel disappointed. Maybe you’re going through a very hard time in your life. It could be a divorce. It could be. You know, decisions that you make, you know, with your career, you may be debating if you’re going to transition. Right. So how do we deal with our mental health everyday to help us.
[00:16:53] Wendi: Not only, um, Feel better, but also to help us [00:17:00] focus on the things that we still want to get done. And. To continue to encourage others around you. That it’s okay. Right because last week’s. Um, topic, we talked about. How important it is within our community. You know, in, in a Wyman to hold this all important. And if you haven’t listened to the episode, highly recommend that you do his episode right before this one episode 92.
[00:17:24] Wendi: On, you know, Why this human connection is necessary, especially when you’re a leader, especially on your apparent when your spouse. A friend, you know, when you have these connections, right. And it’s very important to. Be okay to be around people that are possibly suffering and you may not even know it, but again,
[00:17:44] Wendi: Highly encourage you to go check out that episode. And again now, knowing that, you know, this is a very important topic. Not only this month, but also, um, you know, through the time that we continue [00:18:00] to have brains, right. Because our brains are always going to try to distract us. We’re always going to try to, you know, tell us and.
[00:18:07] Wendi: Really try to keep us safe from any danger, from any negative emotion, from anything that could be painful. Um, I’ll hurtful. So again, just being able to face. Uh, reality. Right. And I think that’s the hardest part. So that’s what I want to talk about today. And. With that. I want you to think about mental health as how you take care of your physical health. And now you’re like Wendy, why really don’t work out every day, but I still, you know, try to, um,
[00:18:36] Wendi: You know, consider what I’m eating or I take. Care of my body in a different way. Whatever that may look like for you. Um, but more specifically, if you are the person that is at the gym every day, And you’re the person that’s like, Hey, I know I can only eat this because I’m disciplined. And. This is what I know helps my body.
[00:18:57] Wendi: And you’re fully committed on your physical [00:19:00] health, then I want you to think about it that way. Right. And if you’re not it’s okay too. Maybe one day you are. I’m sure if you were in the military one day, you were a PT stud. Um, one day you were, you know, very committed to ensuring that you kept up and really, um, maintained that physical fitness level that you always wanted, especially if you were younger, at least. I mean, we talking mainly about me here, but.
[00:19:24] Wendi: Yeah. I don’t know what happens when we get older, but now I’m like, oh gosh, do I really need to go to the gym every day? Do I really need to run five miles? Do I really, you know, I think I can eat that cake today. That piece of, uh, desserts ice cream. So again, anyhow. So we want to think about it as.
[00:19:41] Wendi: You know, the one thing that we do almost every day to take care. Of ourselves. So for you, maybe, you know, your finances, there are some people that are like, I mean, very disciplined with everything that comes out of their account. Unfortunately, I’m not that disciplined. I check my account and I’m like, oh, maybe I shouldn’t have, I should have checked my account before I made this purchase. [00:20:00]
[00:20:00] Wendi: ’cause I, I lose track. If I don’t check my account every day, I will literally be lose track. And so again, if it’s something that you’re passionate about, Relic your finances. Maybe you keep track of your time really well, that’s something that I’m, you know, really have improved tremendously since, you know, like five years ago.
[00:20:20] Wendi: And if you’re someone that’s very invested in. You know, different things, um, like your physical fitness, um, your relationships, right? So I want you to think about how you deal with it on daily basis. Is how you can also face your mental health every single day. And now. This may be different, a little different, not so much, but very similar.
[00:20:45] Wendi: If you do suffer with, you know, um, PTSD. Um, depression, you know, deep anxiety. Um, bipolar your, um, ADHD. You know, this. We’ll [00:21:00] be different. Um, but at the same time, it’s very similar because we still want to face. What we have available to us. Right. And when I say that, I mean that in a way where, like, for example, for me,
[00:21:15] Wendi: Not every day I suffer with anxiety. Um, I don’t, um, you know, get anxious every day. But I will say I do get more anxious. Other days then, um, Every day itself. So. By that. I mean, when I know I’m getting anxious, when I know I’m even sometimes, um, when I get really sad because of some of the experiences that I’ve had.
[00:21:42] Wendi: And I think about it. And of course I get really sad. Even when I have those days. I know that that is the day that I know that there’s this thing that’s with me. This anxiety. This feeling this. Um, This feeling in my body. And [00:22:00] that I need to acknowledge it. And so how do I do that? And you know, how are you, how are you doing that?
[00:22:06] Wendi: That’s all I want to encourage you. To take this, whatever it may be for you. Whatever it may be. It may just be, you’re going. A season. You’re in a season of just. You know, um, stress you’re in a season of. Constant overwhelm. It could just be that it could be as simple as. Something very minimal or it could be the entire, or the complete opposite of that. You may be suffering with anxiety all day, every single day. You may be suffering with PTSD.
[00:22:33] Wendi: You know, It could be whatever it is for you, but I’m going to give my example because of how I deal with it. Um, when I get really anxious, when I feel like I can’t breathe anxious and. You know, I want to say that for the most part, 90% of the time. This is what I do. It changes. And it varies of depending what time of the day it is. If it’s [00:23:00] one in the morning, clearly I won’t do this because I just want to lay in bed and I want to calm myself down in different ways.
[00:23:05] Wendi: But if I’m here and for my computer doing something in or I’m out during the day, I’m obviously going to do something different. Um, then I would at two or 1:00 AM in the morning. So again, it’s different for everyone, right? And so I want to encourage you to one.
[00:23:26] Wendi: Or the first step I should say. Is too. Consider. That you can take this one day at a time. Just one day at a time it’s like working out. You’re only focused. For when you work out. Th that certain date. Or that certain workout you have for the day. That’s how I want you to think about your, your, your mental health, right? Like, how do I deal with.
[00:23:52] Wendi: My mind today. Like how what’s going on in my mind right now. And also if [00:24:00] you’ve, um, listen to episode 89, I believe it is where I talk about journaling and doing the thought download I’m highly encouraged at you. You know, continue to do that. But again, if you haven’t, I highly recommend that you go back and you listened to episode 89, where I talk about journaling and doing the.
[00:24:19] Wendi: Download and how will that is very beneficial. And so with that, taking it a day at a time, it could be a couple minutes out of your day. Early in the morning. When you are filling this. Um, coming to you more strongly. Um, so again, for me, it’s the anxiety. Sometimes it just hits me or when I feel that I can’t concentrate.
[00:24:42] Wendi: So, again, I haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD, but I know myself now. Two. Have, um, moments. Where I can’t focus as much as I could the day before. So again, if that is you, right, let’s say you have [00:25:00] ADHD, let’s say maybe you haven’t been diagnosed and you’re like me. And you’re like, okay. I know that I had this plan today, but for some reason I am just so distracted and I don’t, um, I can’t seem to get myself to focus and concentrate and just stay here with whatever.
[00:25:21] Wendi: Action or task and I need to get done. And what do you do? Right? Well, first I don’t want you to beat yourself up. I don’t want you to feel as if. You know, you’re broken or there’s something wrong with you because trust me I’ve I felt that way. And it’s, it’s not that. It really is. You just redirecting your mind, right?
[00:25:39] Wendi: But whatever it may be. Take it one day at a time. So to then take a couple of minutes of your day. Whatever that timeframe may be for you. For me, always works better in the morning. Sometimes we’re in lunch. And then I encourage you to ask yourself this question. And again, if you want to journal this, if you want to write this down.
[00:25:59] Wendi: Unique [00:26:00] to, you know, however you want to answer this question, putting your text like I do, or on your notes, on your phone, whatever helps you. I want you to answer this question? How can I accept this? Blink, whatever it may be. PTSD anxiety. Um, ADHD stress overwhelm today. How can I accept this today? Because here’s the thing most of us.
[00:26:25] Wendi: And again, I may be speaking only about me here. I want to resist. And or avoid. This thing that we have going on in her mind in her body. We’re like, oh my gosh, I shouldn’t be anxious right now. What do I need to do? I need to run away from it. Oh my gosh. I shouldn’t feel. As if I can’t focus. You know, I’m a professional, I’m a leader.
[00:26:49] Wendi: I should really just make myself and force myself to focus. And I want to offer you today. That that is not how you want to [00:27:00] go about it. You want to be able to face. Whatever it is. That’s going on with you. Within your mental, within your mind, within your mental health that day within your body. However you’re feeling. How can I accept this today?
[00:27:16] Wendi: And you, the way I answered that question is by. Um, really acknowledging that. This is happening in this moment. Okay. I feel like I can’t breathe. Why am I, you know, why am I anxious? Then I asked myself, okay, I know I’m anxious because I’m thinking of all the, what ifs. Okay. None of it’s true.
[00:27:37] Wendi: It could happen, but none of it’s should right now in this moment. So how can I accept this? I can accept this by just allowing it to be here. I can accept this by allowing this feeling. To just run through my body. Take deep breaths. I can accept this by just. Being here. And when I calm myself down and again, it’s going to be different for everyone. [00:28:00]
[00:28:00] Wendi: It really is, but this is what I want to offer based on what I do to face my own personal mental struggles sometimes. And then I pray. And then I’m like, Lord, thank you so much for just giving me this opportunity to realize and recognize and be aware of what’s happening in my mind and in my body.
[00:28:19] Wendi: And then I, you know, ask him to please help me, give me the strength. Give me the patients. That’s big for me, the patients, because I want it to go away. Like right now. I’m like, look, I got things to do. I want this to go away in any wont. So I asked God for patients. I’m like, Lord, please help me. You know, I have.
[00:28:38] Wendi: Very minimal patients. So I ask you in this one, when it please just guide me and help me. To just sit here with whatever is going on in my mind and in my body. And just own and accept that it’s happening. And then unfortunately I have no control over. What, when this comes up [00:29:00] and you know how intense it can be and how long it lasts, because sometimes I really don’t want to focus on anything. I just want to be.
[00:29:08] Wendi: Uh, way moving around. Uh, walking around the kitchen. I just want to not be still. Or again, when I feel like I have this pressure on my chest or just. I feel like I can’t breathe. And I feel like I’m just in this area, just wanna go outside, whatever may look like. I just take that moment and, you know, I pray about it.
[00:29:33] Wendi: And again, I just accept this. I just accept that it’s happening. And this is just what I have in the moment. And it’s not who I am. Right. Like most of the time I’m good. I can sit for my computer. Knock out things that need to knock out. I’m not anxious. I sleep through the night. Um, but there are nights that I, that I get up, especially now that I have to pee every like three hours.
[00:29:59] Wendi: [00:30:00] I get up at one in the morning. Go use the bathroom, come back, lane bed, and I’m like, oh my gosh. Now I’m fully awake. And then my mind goes into all these what ifs. Not only with my pregnancy, but also with my family. With what they’re struggling with right now. And there’s just so many things that come up.
[00:30:14] Wendi: And that I just have to just accept it and then just be with it. But that’s how I face my mental health. 90% of the time. I asked myself. Okay. All right, Wendy. How are we going to accept this today? What are we going to do? Because I tell you if I don’t say that or I don’t come. Calm myself down.
[00:30:36] Wendi: I immediately want to avoid it. I immediately want to like resist this negative motion, this negative. Um, negative thoughts. They’re happening or even sometimes entertain them and I indulge in them and then I go and create this terrible story in my brain at two in the morning. When in reality. Nothing is happening other than my mind is just trying to protect myself.
[00:30:58] Wendi: My mind is just trying to protect me from [00:31:00] the. You know, the, um, the, the, what ifs. Of, um, of what could happen so that I can probably do something ahead of time. When in reality, I have no control over circumstances. I have no control over. What is happening with my family’s health. So again, Being able to just accept that moment and give yourself time, give yourself grace.
[00:31:26] Wendi: Too. Experience it. And like I said, It gets better. And better, the more you practice it. So it’s like working out. I’m not going to the gym today. And or going on a run today and running 10 miles. Why? Because I haven’t done 10 miles in like, A year. And a half or so. So, yeah, I’m going to have to build myself up to the 10 miles, right?
[00:31:54] Wendi: And so it’s the same thing with our, with our mental health. Don’t expect to be. You know, [00:32:00] asking yourself, how can I accept this? If one, you haven’t even taken a time. To really acknowledge what you’re feeling. Like, if you don’t know how that feeling feels in your body, that’s why I want you to start like, okay. How do I feel when I feel stressed?
[00:32:14] Wendi: Like, where does it hurt? Where’s it painful? Where’s an uncomfortable, because that’s really what it is, which by the way, I’ll be talking about. Emotions next week. And kind of understanding really the difference. When you are trying to resist it and avoid it versus allowing it. So stay tuned for that next week. But seriously.
[00:32:36] Wendi: Keeping in mind that we have to face a mental health daily for us to get better at it for us to really start seeing the change of how you deal with it and how you cope with it. It’s going to be different for everyone. And so I encourage you to do this. I really encourage you to do this because I promise you.
[00:32:55] Wendi: Somewhere down the line in your career within your family. This is going [00:33:00] to come up. Someone. Is going to suffer with stress, anxiety, depression. Uh, PTSD there. There’s always something. Unfortunately. We can’t escape it, unfortunately. You know, there’s no such thing as someone living a perfect life.
[00:33:19] Wendi: Someone is always going to go through some negative emotion at one point in their, in their lives. And, you know, just real quickly here. As a parent. It’s even hard for me. Like I know this intellectually. But it’s even hard for me sometimes. Two. Allow my kids to experience their negative emotions. I immediately, I don’t know about you, but I immediately go into.
[00:33:44] Wendi: Oh my gosh, how do I make her feel better? How do I make him feel better? But I have to really. Contain myself and I’m like, Wendy. You’re the mom. Yes. You know how she can start feeling better and how she can look at this [00:34:00] situation differently. But. Now is not the time I want her to go through this negative emotion.
[00:34:09] Wendi: In allowing it and allowing her to deal with it her way. Because the goal is not to help her make her feel better. As soon as I possibly can. The goal is for her to acknowledge that there’s a negative emotion happening. And that it’s okay. And. If you’re listening and you have kids, you probably understand exactly what I’m talking about when they come home.
[00:34:34] Wendi: And they come. Saying that this kid has say some, say something to them and now their feelings are hurt or something just happened. Embarrassing at school. I immediately. I want to be like, oh no, they didn’t. But then the other part of me is like, holy spirit, please just help me. Help me. Help me say patient, say things with love and be kind.
[00:34:58] Wendi: The fruit of the spirit. [00:35:00] Right? So again, I want to offer you two. Really take a moment and ask yourself today. How am I facing my mental health? Am I facing my mental health. And how do I start facing a mental health daily? With the question that I proposed here, how can I accept this today? Right now? This moment?
[00:35:17] Wendi: Whatever that may be for you. It could be stress. It could be overwhelming. It could be anxiety. It could be PTSD. Whatever it may be. How can you accept it today? And it can be assembled just sitting with it. It can be as simple as just. You know, being with it, it could be as simple as just. You know, maybe telling someone, telling someone that you need.
[00:35:38] Wendi: You know, X amount of time to cope with whatever you have going on. Whatever that looks like for you. I encourage you to do this.
[00:35:47] Wendi: All right, ladies, that’s all that I have for you today. I hope that this episode of blesses you and encourages you to not only. Um, take the time to consider that mental health is something that you need to be taken care [00:36:00] of every single day, but also to encourage you to face it in a weight where it helps you.
[00:36:05] Wendi: And not do the opposite. All right, have a beautiful rest of your week. Bye.