
Episode 240. How to Keep the Excitement Alive During Your Military Transition

October 9, 2024

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Today, I’m focusing into a topic that often gets overlooked but is so important—staying excited about your transition. Whether you’re transitioning out of the military or simply looking at your next career move, ask yourself: Are you excited about it? If the answer is no, don’t worry, we’re going to talk about how to reignite that spark.

In this episode, I’m sharing why we often lose excitement about the possibilities ahead and how to bring that energy back into the process. We tend to get bogged down by everything going on—work, appointments, life’s to-do lists—and it can feel overwhelming. But here’s the truth: If we’re not showing up excited for the next chapter, it’s going to show—whether in our interviews, on LinkedIn, or at networking events.

Also, I want to invite you to join me in my Brave and Bold Bootcamp, where you’ll get support in identifying your next role, building your personal brand, and refining your job search strategy, this six-week coaching program is for you. We start on October 14th, so make sure to sign up at You’ll get access at the lowest price as a founding member!

Secure your spot for Brave & Bold Bootcamp:

Wendi: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to episode 240. So today we are talking all about being excited about your transition. Now, if you are not transitioning, I want you to ask yourself. Are you excited about your career now about where you are in your journey? And let’s just say that. You’re like, I’m happy with my career.

And I’m excited about this. I want you to pick another area where you could be more excited about where you’re going, and this is what I mean. What I typically see with a lot of people that are transitioning out specifically women, and also based on my journey. Is that we lose the excitement of what’s to come.

We lose excitement of the possibilities of the next role of the next career field. So that’s what I want to talk about today,

but before we begin, I want to remind you that to brave and bold bootcamp is open for registration and we start on [00:01:00] October 14th.

And this is a six week group coaching program where you get to come on board and learn all about. What role you’re going to pursue, identify exactly the type of company that you want to work for. The location type would work on the resume. We work on your branding we do a whole makeover of your LinkedIn profile. And I want to invite you to come as a founding member, meaning that you’ll get it at the lowest price ever. It’s $79 and it’s a six week, one hour each week. We focus on you in that path that is going to get you into the next role and so I want to invite you to come join me. So that you can get started in, get ahead based on where you want to continue your career. And so if you haven’t already come on over to so that you can register and get started on October 14th. Okay.

So [00:02:00] with that, I want to encourage you, to have an open mind on feeling excited about your transition. I’m really excited about what’s to come what’s next of your career. And I know that sometimes it’s really hard. To do this when we have a lot of things going on in the background. In a lot of things on, or a lot of tasks on our to do list. And so this is a way where I can help you kind of understand and get this idea of how can I make this more interesting.

How can I make this more exciting for me? Because here’s what happens when we’re not excited or we’re not showing up as. I’m excited for this chapter or a career. It shows and it shows across the board either on social media, at in-person events for your interview. , and it really also shows when you’re in the interview process.

So. I want to encourage you today to just have an open mind on doing [00:03:00] things with, or getting these things done. These small tasks with some excitement. And before me kind of go into how we’re going to do that. I want to give you the reasons on why you’re not feeling excited. Most of the times, especially as women, we have a lot going on.

There’s just a lot of things going on at the same time. You’re still in your job. You’re going to your VA appointments. You have other appointments that you are scheduling transportation. There were just so many appointments going on at the same time that you lose focus of the most important thing in the next important chapter of your life.

And that is your next career. The following career. Now if you’re like, Wendy, I’m not going to go into corporate. I’m not going to go get a job right away. I’m going to take a break. That’s great too. I want you to feel excited about that. Next thing. It doesn’t specifically need to be. A job within itself. But it needs to be something that you are looking forward to, right?

So your [00:04:00] retirement, maybe you’re going on a trip. Maybe you are just taking an entire year or six months off and just focusing on you. But what happens is that we lose sight of that. And now we create overwhelmed. We get frustrated. There’s so many things going on in order for you to get there, but I want you to start creating that enjoyment, that excitement ahead of time. And so if you’re going into school or you’re like, I have no idea what I’m going to do yet.

I’m still indecisive. I still want you to use this as. An emotion. That’s going to help you get into action and create that result. Right. Making a decision. That’s possibly all that you’re wanting to get out of this. And that’s what I want to encourage you to do today. So in these 10 minutes or 15 minutes or so. I want to encourage you to feel excited about what’s next.

Even if you have no idea, what’s next. Because here’s the thing. None of us know exactly or for certain on what’s next for us. We just have this idea. We plan this idea, this thing that [00:05:00] we envision or that we think is going to happen based on what we’ve already committed to or what we’ve. Already kind of challenge ourselves to, it could be school.

It could be a job. It could be. Just taking a, you know, taking a break that can be challenging for some of you too. I know it was for me, like taking a break for why? Like, let’s go, let’s keep going. But I want to encourage you to really do this from a place of. Here’s what’s next for me, or I have no idea what’s next to me, but I will trust the process. And have an open mind to having fun at the same time, feeling excited. And so a lot of the times there’s a lot of doubt. So one there’s a lot going on.

There’s a lot of things happening in the background. So we lose focus and we get overwhelmed or frustrated. And then the second thing that happens to we. Kind of entertained to this self doubt that comes up right? This uncertainty of you getting it done or going into that field or fulfilling or fully committing to that next phase, that next chapter of your life, it [00:06:00] could be as simply as getting married or maybe. Starting a family, right?

You may be. Unspoken, or you may have some doubt about that. There may be some insecurity about that, but that’s completely okay. It’s completely normal. So what I don’t want you to do is entertain it. I want you to find ways where you can then also no. That you do have the tools you do have the resiliency. To get past that and that you’re going to get there no matter what. And so those are just a couple of things.

Like the two top things that come up for a lot of women that I help to improve myself on why we don’t feel excited about this one thing. And sometimes even. Feel like we are avoiding it, or I’m just losing sight of the fun in it, of the excitement that’s actually going to come. But we forget about that because there’s so much going on or we’re like feeling a little bit of doubt, a little insecure. And I’m like, how am I going to get that done?

So I want to encourage you right now to just imagine that you are excited about this [00:07:00] one thing that’s coming up in the next. Aids and next chapter. And some of them, you may be excited, but here’s what I also want to encourage you. Be excited, even when you have to do that resume, feel excited, even when you’re preparing for an interview, feel excited, even when you’re searching for companies searching for rules. Going to LinkedIn events or I’m sorry to in-person events or online as well. I want you to feel excited because it is going to be excited. Now, here’s the thing I know.

You’re probably thinking we’ll go on to school as long as that exciting or finding this new jobs that we can completely new. I get it. But here’s the thing, the more that we can. Attach this positive emotion to it. And the more that we can. Actually feel excited about the next thing, the more creative you’re going to get.

And that’s the important piece of all of this. The more we can get creative. The more that we can use that muscle. Within our brain. To get creative on doing things. Then you can ask yourself those straight questions, right? Like, [00:08:00] how am I going to show up? How am I going to make this resume fun and exciting to get done? Maybe I’m going to use AI. Maybe I’m going to join Braman bull bootcamp.

Right. I want to be excited and be in a community where this is going to fuel. Right. And it’s also going to prepare me for the next thing. How can you show up even when it’s not an exciting thing, right? Because the resume. Let’s face it. It’s not an exciting thing. Maybe for some of you, it could be. But overall it’s not.

And so I want to encourage you. To even the little things, right? So many of your transcripts looking at your online degree plan like that, sometimes it’s not exciting. Looking at homes in this other location, go and set up that vet appointment and talk about, you know, the mental struggles that you’re having that’s unexciting, but can we make it exciting? In a way where we can get creative on how we’re going to get this done from eight.

I want to get this done. So. And then also feel that excitement. When I get to the other side of [00:09:00] the civilian sector right. Of your transition. And so it could be as simple as conversations with your spouse, with your children. Those hard conversations. I want you to be creative. How can you make them not as difficult, maybe bring in a spin. Or make it interesting to that other individual to your audience?

Do. You’ve got to do your spouse. Two significant other to your friends or your family? How can you then make this excited? Because when you’re excited, you can then now. I lean into. What you’re all about, right? Your personality, you’re building that momentum and how you’re going to show up in an in person event, right.

When they ask you, well, tell me a little bit about you. Instead of trading it in feeling like, oh my gosh, this is so uncomfortable. And it’s not something that I’m prepared for. Why? Because you weren’t expecting it. So I want you to just imagine that whatever it is, that tedious thing, the resume. The most uncomfortable in person interaction. I want you to make it exciting. [00:10:00]

Just think about today this week. Listen to this episode, how can I make this journey more exciting? How can I make it to. Where I am looking forward to somebody this resume. So many of this application going into this interview. Going into this in-person. Mint go into this online event and actually introduce it myself because that’s, what’s going to make me better at communicating. What I’m looking for, who I am. What I’m all about what I stand for, what my mountains are. And so that is what I want you to work on this week today, whenever he listened to this episode, because it’s so important for you to show up in that manner instead of like, oh, I’m dreading this event. I don’t know what I’m going to wear.

And then you just literally lined. I ended up your outfit too, how you’re feeling, and that’s not going to be a good thing because then you’re showing up in that way as well. And our connections with. Okay. Well, she clearly looks a little bad on her. She has no idea what she wants. She sounds cheater, uncertain. Not connecting the next individual, moving on to the next person that looks exciting. And also is [00:11:00] excited because he’s showing up in that way. And so this week, I want to encourage you to take a moment and really ask yourself. How can I make this. More exciting or exciting. Then I already have it in my mind. Because that’s going to help you.

It’s going to propel you into taking action in a way where it’s now. Building on that curiosity muscle. Now it’s building on. How can I make this even better? How can I show up even better into that next chapter of my life? All right. I hope that this is helpful and listen. Yeah. If you need some more tools, you need some more encouragement. You need someone that’s going to help you each step of the way of this transition.

You need to come join me in a brave and bold bootcamp where it’s a six week journey where you come in and we build up your right, your new role. Continue your a new identity. Build your personal brand on LinkedIn and continue to. [00:12:00] Refine the job roles that you were pursuing the next career. All right. Have a beautiful rest of your week.

Talk to you soon. Bye.